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Mike Simon —Business Marketer from Los Angeles, United States

Get A glimpse Into my world.

Design & marketing are my passion. I pour my heart and soul into every project, whether it’s a website or just a simple logo. My projects are my art, and I strive to create something beautiful and unique with each one. I want people to see my work and be inspired by it. I want them to see the world through my eyes. 

When I’m working on a project, I always keep the user in mind. I want people to have a positive experience when they use my designs. That’s why I always put so much effort into my work. Every little detail matters to me. If you’re ever curious about what goes into my design process, or you just want to get a glimpse into my world, feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to chat about design.

Website Design & Development

I help businesses of all sizes create and maintain websites that stand the test of time by using cutting-edge content management systems:  WordPress, Wix or Shopify.

Social Media Marketing

As a social media expert, I help brands with all aspects of their social media marketing. I can help you grow your followers, increase your engagement, generate leads, and increase e-commerce sales. I specialize in creating content, designing strategy, and crafting captions along with  hashtags.