Discord Manager

Deep Experience With Discord

Let a Pro Manage Your Server


Mike Simon is a Discord Manager. As a Discord manager, I help keep your Discord server running smoothly. I keep an eye on the chat, moderate conversations, & make sure everything is running smoothly. I also help to keep our discord server organized and tidy. I make sure that all of the channels are labeled correctly and that all of the roles are set up properly. I also help to create new channels and roles as needed. In addition, I help to manage our discord bots and ensure that they are working properly. I am always on hand to answer any questions or help out with any problems that arise. discord is a great platform for gaming, business, brand, and NFT communities and I am proud to help manage our server.

"I'm a #Discord manager, & I approve this message 😎" #NFT #NFTcommunity


Tracking conversations

Manage Channels

Keep Server Organized

Responds to comments and monitors messages

Monitor Activity 

Creates Roles

Mute/Bans Toxic Members

Discord Bots

Reward Management

Handle Customer Support Issues

Experience with NFTs

Invites People To Join

Oversee The Health & Well-Being Of Their Community




Explore Mike's Expertise

Amazon Influencers like Mike Simon are individuals with a large social media following who have earned their way to be part of the Amazon Influencer Program. 

I am responsible for creating & managing your online presence: strategies to grow following, create engaging content, & interact with your customers.

Responsible for creating & maintaining websites. Web designers create the look & feel of a website. Web developers create the functionality & code that makes a website work.

SEO is an ever-changing and complex field, which is why it’s so important to have a SEO expert on your team. I have a deep understanding of how SEO works and how to get the most out of it.

Responsible for overall moderation of Discord server. This includes enforcing the rules, managing staff members, & ensuring the Discord server is a safe & welcoming place for users.

Blending together disparate musical styles, MESYRM is a Singer & Songwriter who forges his own unique sound with a powerful voice that switches from soaring melodies to rap verses.