
Honeyrose USA Social Media Project


🍃All Natural Herbs! Tobacco, Nicotine, & Chemicals FREE! Made in ENGLAND! #1 Choice To Quit Smoking & for Use In Film & TV.

Case Study

HoneyroseUSA is an innovative company whose herbal premium cigarettes have played an integral role in many iconic films and TV Shows. By helping them devise a social media strategy, I was able to ensure that the world knew about their product and its incredible contribution to the entertainment industry through Instagram, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, YouTube, and Google My Business. Not only that, but these herbal cigarettes offer real smokers a realistic alternative to traditional smoking products that actually helps them with quitting smoking. 

It’s remarkable how HoneyroseUSA has revolutionized the film and consumer market by providing film crews, actors, actresses, and producers with a better option to stay Nicotine, Tobacco, Hemp, CBD, & THC FREE